Protective Films for Stainless Steel: Application, Benefits, and Tips

A stainless steel protective film is a thin, usually transparent film used for temporary surface protection of stainless steel products. The protective film is used for surface protection to prevent the protected surface from dirt accumulation, scratches, and tool marks during the following operations, keeping the object's surface bright and new. In addition, the surface of the stainless steel protective film can be printed with text and patterns to play a promotional role.


It is important to note that a laminating machine must be applied to a clean and dry surface when using stainless steel protective film for lamination. In addition, when laminating, there should be no air bubbles between the protective film and the protected surface, and the protective film should not be overstretched (usually, the elongation rate of the protective film should be less than 1% after lamination). At the same time, it should be stored in the original packaging and placed in a clean and dry environment when storing.


It is recommended that the stainless steel protective film be used within six months from the date of delivery, and the protective film should be removed within one year from the date of lamination. The protected surface should not be exposed to outdoor sunlight and aging, incredibly not to ultraviolet light. When using a protective film to protect a surface, be careful when heating: heating may cause discoloration of the protected surface. When using a printed film to protect a surface, the printed surface absorbs infrared at a rate different from the unprinted surface when heated with infrared radiation.


Therefore, a corresponding test on the stainless steel protective film is generally necessary. In particular, the printed film must be tested according to user requirements before use to ensure that the absorption rate difference will not hurt the protected surface. If this absorption rate difference can cause some problems, then another heating method should be used (it is best to use an oven for heating).


So, how is the quality of stainless steel protective film products guaranteed? As we know, the protective film is mainly used for temporary surface protection to prevent the surface of stainless steel workpieces from soiling or damaging. Therefore, it is not designed for anti-corrosion, moisture, or chemical resistance. Due to the wide range of protective film applications and the different application conditions for other enterprises, customers should conduct a comprehensive product test before using this product.


The evaluation test of the performance and quality of stainless steel protective film products must comprehensively consider all aspects. In general, the main factors include the type and characteristics of the materials used in a stainless steel protective film products, surface treatment requirements, temperature, and processing condition restrictions, outdoor use time and conditions, etc.